
Hey there;

Welcome all to my blog, I am very pleased to have you here and I hope you enjoy looking around my blog.

This blog is dedicated to the development of my personal practice. Specifically looking at cheat sheets for correspondences, going over the Sabbats and other such, I will be including recipes that I have tried out. I will also be sharing some of my learning for Divination, specifically tarot, adding in my personal cheat sheets and such.

In case you couldn’t tell already, this is a blog about witchcraft, and paganism as I learn and develop in my personal beliefs and views.

I am always eager to learn more and chat with anyone, so feel free to leave a comment or reach out to me.

I started this blog a while ago but I want to keep it going and allow it to continue to grow, which it already is and I’m very proud of what I have achieved with it already.

But on that note, I’ll leave you to browse around, and…

I hope your day is as pleasant as you.

